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The Feast of Mor Gregorios Abdal Jaleel

April 27, 2025

Mar Gregorios Abdal Jaleel was an Orthodox bishop of Jerusalem who was in India from 1664 until his death in 1681. He was born in Mosul, Iraq. He was ordained Priest upon completing his theological studies. In 1653 he was ordained Bishop Metropolitan, by the name Mar Timotheos for Ameed (Diyarbakir) diocese in Turkey by the Patriarch Mar Ignatius She’mun I. In 1664, he was elevated as the Metropolitan of Jerusalem and the ecclesiastical name Gregorius was given as was the tradition.

After the Coonen Cross Oath, Archdeacon Thoma was ordained as bishop by the laying on of hands by twelve priests. This was considered necessary in view of the extraordinary circumstances. A formal letter of request was sent to the Patriarch Ignatius Shemvun I (1640-1659), by Thoma Archdeacon of Malankara, through deacon Stephen Aspar of Ameed. The request was granted by Patriarch Abdul Masih I (1662-1686). At the request of the Thomas Christians, Mar Gregorios Abdul Jaleel of Jerusalem, the Syrian bishop, was the first to respond and he came to India in 1664. On 1 July 1665, He confirmed the Episcopal consecration of Mar Thomas I as the head of the Orthodox Church of the Malankara Nasrani Christians community, in explicit support of the traditional autonomy of the Indian Church.

Mar Gregorios arrived Ponnani, then an important port on the south Western coast of India. Knowing the prevailing political climate, he travelled further south by land in disguise until he came across some Syriac Rite Christians. He then revealed his identity showing them the letter from the Patriarch of Antioch. They led him to their Church and sent word to others. Then, together, with Mar Thoma I, they travelled to various churches affirming the Orthodox faith and traditions. In 1670 March, Mar Gregorios and Mar Thoma I, together ordained Mar Thoma II as the second Malankara Metropolitan.

He is known for his crucial role in the defense of Oriental Orthodox faith and Syrian tradition following the Coonan Kurishu Sathyam. He is chiefly remembered for his mission to India, in which he re-established ties between the Malankara Church and the Orthodox Syrian Church. He was the delegate of Maphriyan / Catholicate of Orthodox Church to Kerala Syrian Christians.

Mar Gregorius Abdul Jaleel visited churches, preached the true faith of the Orthodox Syrian Church, insisted on the use of leavened bread for the Holy Eucharist, allowed the marriage of Deacons before Priesthood and removed statues erected in the Church.Forty-five of the sixty-nine Churches received Mar Gregorius with all respect and honour due to a prelate.

Mar Gregorios died on 27 April 1681 (M.E. 857 Medom 14th, Friday). It is said that he knew beforehand the exact hour of his demise. In accordance with his instructions, he was dressed in the pontifical habits with cross and staff in hand and taken to the Church seated in a chair. Many people gathered at the Church and, as he died. It was reported that the Church bell rang on its own, the people witnessed a bright glow inside and outside the church and several other miraculous signs.

The relics of Mar Gregorios is preserved at St. Thomas Church, North Paravur which include his vestments, a golden cross, a golden chalice, paten set and an arulikka worn by Mar Gregorios. The holy ‘Arulikka’ has 12 partitions of which 11 contain the relics of saints and the twelfth partition in the middle contains a piece of the wooden cross on which Christ was crucified. The Chalice and Platen are still used in the Holy Qurbana celebrated on the feast of Mar Gregorios. The relics are ceremoniously taken out and exhibited for public veneration on the feast day.


April 27, 2025
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